Publish – ISBN Agency

Uniquely identify your books with an ISBN

The ISBN Agency for UK & Ireland is here to help and support you in the process of purchasing and allocating your ISBNs to your books.

Acquiring an ISBN

The first thing you need to do when you publish your title is to locate an ISBN. The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique product identifier for books and related material. It is the most important number and aids the listing, discovery and distribution of your books.

While it is not a legal requirement to allocate ISBNs to your books, it is used by publishers, booksellers, and libraries for ordering, listing and stock control purposes. The systems they use all rely on the ISBN to identify books ensuring they select and stock the correct title and edition, from the right publisher.

The ISBN Agency for UK & Ireland is here to help and support you in the process of purchasing and allocating your ISBNs to your books. The quickest and simplest way to buy your ISBNs is via our ISBN Store: but if you have any queries, please contact us:

For more information please read our FAQs

Where possible please send your application form electronically to

Please do NOT send any cheques in the post as we’re unable to receive or process them. We encourage publishers to use our ISBN Store to purchase your ISBNs or email the agency. If you are unable to do this, any applications sent through the post will be processed in due course and we will be in touch regarding payment.

ISBN Application Form Notes

Applying via our application form is usually subject to a service level of five working days.


Need a Barcode for your book? The BookData Barcode service can create a Barcode from your book’s 13 digit ISBN, guaranteeing that it is unique. You can easily purchase Barcodes via our online Store.

Did you know?

Publishers in the UK and Ireland have a legal obligation to send one copy of each of their publications to the British Library Legal Deposit Office within one month of publication. You may also receive an email or letter from The Agent for the Legal Deposit Libraries who is responsible for acquiring legal deposit material for five other legal deposit libraries: The Bodleian Library, Oxford; The University Library, Cambridge; The National Library of Scotland; The Library of Trinity College, Dublin; The National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth. They don’t request every title, unlike the British Library; however should they ask you are legally obliged to send them five copies.

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