New Zealand

Welcome to NielsenIQ BookData in New Zealand

NielsenIQ BookData provides a range of services to the New Zealand book industry including aiding the discovery, purchase and sales measurement of books.

Listing your book on our database

Once your book is close to publication, list it on our database with its basic bibliographic information. This ensures that both retail and library customers have pre-publication information for your print and e-books as soon as possible.

Information can be supplied in the following ways:

  • Title Editor: Recommended for independent publishers and self-published authors. This free online service allows you to view and edit your book information, upload new titles, and add cover images. Register or login to Title Editor
  • ONIX (Online Information Exchange): Our preferred format for receiving rich product information, suitable for publishers of all sizes. Contact our Testing & Integration team to start testing an ONIX message: 
  • Structured Electronic File: Ideal for larger publishers with a catalogue of more than 200 titles. A development fee may apply.

For assistance or more information, contact our Publisher Help Desk:
Important Reminder: Keep your information up-to-date, especially any price changes or if your book goes out of print.

Enhance your book information

The more information available about your book, the more likely it is to be discovered and purchased. Enrich your title record with descriptions, author biographies, contributors, reviews, tables of contents and keywords.

Promote your book digitally with Book2Look biblets

Book2Look biblets help maximize your digital marketing strategy. Once created, you have complete control over editing and sharing each biblet on social media, blogs, online review articles, and more.

We will automatically embed your biblets in our bibliographic database for additional exposure.
For more information or to purchase Book2Look biblets email:

Metadata solutions

NielsenIQ BookData offers a unique range of services, from search and selection solutions to providing MARC records for library cataloguing and enriched data for bookshop websites and internal systems.

Key Services:

  • BookData Online: A fast, flexible, and efficient way to search for titles, respond to customer enquiries, and replenish stock. It allows you to:
    • Search database for bibliographic details
    • Check latest price and availability information
    • Rank search results by BookScan chart position to ensure you have the most popular titles in stock.
  • BookData Record Supply Service: Create a personalized data feed from our database to enhance your website and/or build and maintain your company’s product database, improving the service you offer your customers.

For more information email:

Research Services

Our research services provide retail sales analysis for print and e-books, alongside insights from our Books and Consumers Survey.

Key Services:

  • NielsenIQ BookScan: Collects point-of-sale data from major book retailers, providing author and title sales, bestseller charts, and market share data in 17 territories.
  • PubTrack Digital: Measures monthly e-book sales for participating publishers.
  • Books & Consumers Survey: Complements sales data by measuring the size of the print, e-book, and audiobook markets in NZ as well as reporting on market trends and provide comprehensive information on consumer book purchasing and behaviours. We also conduct specific studies annually to explore pressing topics in the book industry.

Data from these services is available on a subscription or ad-hoc basis and can be tailored to your organization’s size and needs. 

NZ Lifetime Print Book Sales Data Reports

Find out NZ lifetime print book sales data (back to 2008) on any ISBN NielsenIQ BookScan tracks through the New Zealand Total Market (NZTM). 
For more information about the NZ BookScan panel and/or lifetime report rates email:

Press and Media enquiries

We provide weekly bestseller charts to Booksellers NZ, Kete Books, Are Media, and Newsroom. Additionally, we offer ad-hoc data and insights to support commentary on the book market.

Request Ad-Hoc Data Sets: Please use this form to request ad-hoc data sets: [Insert link]
Press Enquiries: For press enquiries, email:

©2025 Nielsen Book Services Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Incorporated in England and Wales, Company Number: 70437
Registered Office: 3rd Floor, Station Place, Argyle Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 2AD
UK VAT Registration Number: GB 232 180501