Linkontro Art gallery

Sponsors 2024

Linkontro 2024 is the event where businesses meet businesses.

The privileged place where Manufacturers and Retailers meet, the place where vision, expertise and passion build the tomorrow of FMCG.

Discover all the sponsorship and visibility opportunities for your company!

Sponsors 2024
Sponsors 2024
Showcase your product
Showcase your product

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Become a Sponsor

Explore the unique opportunity to sponsor Linkontro 2024 and promote your company in an original and exclusive way.

Transform your company into a piece of art at Linkontro 2024! Share your brand’s identity and values through Pao’s street art.

Have you just launched a new product, or are you looking to make an existing one more relevant? Choose the ideal platform to present it to key players in the Italian FMCG industry. Discover the Astra project.