Workshop details and fees
Who can attend?
Retailers, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Distributors, Agencies and anyone with a hunger for Price & Promotion Management knowledge.
What’s included?
Comprehensive course materials, case studies and individual certificates.
800€ + VAT, 2nd Participant from the same company -10%. Group and combo discounts apply.
10% discount for early bird (valid until 12th of Nov) Individual and group discounts apply.
For more information and registrations, please contact:
- Aidas Demenius
- Email: aidas.demenius@nielseniq.Com
- +370 681 63034, Lithuania
- Antra Vītola-Gerharde
- Email:
- +371 29272227, Latvia
- Kristi Jakobson
- Email:
- +372 5126491, Estonia
DAY 1: 09:00 – 12:00 & 14:00 – 17:00
- Promo Landscape in the Baltics
- Shopper Centric Category Management Review
- 8 step process
- Benefits
- Price and Promotion Management Introduction
- Creating value for the shopper
- Is promotion always successful?
- Pricing
- Definition, strategic position and objectives
- Factors affecting pricing decisions
- Pricing strategies
- Measurement and optimization
- Introduction to Promotion Management
- Integrated Marketing Communication Plan
- Definition
- Is your target shopper responding to promotions?
DAY 2: 09:00 – 12:00 & 14:00 – 17:00
- Day 1 Review
- Introduction to Promotion Management
- Is your target shopper responding to promotions?
- Promotional mix strategies
- Category Management steps linked to promotions
- Efficient and effective promotion management
- Promotional plan
- Closed Loop Process
- Where: define the baseline
- Why: define the promotional objectives
- What: develop the promotional plan
- How: implement the promotional plan
- What’s next: analysis, assessment and feedback
- Neuroscience on Promotions
- How are consumers responding to your promotions?
- Stimuli and methods
- Business case results and takeaways
Session facilitator
Jana Volovika – Category Management Consulting Leader for East Europe
Jana has more than 10 years of experience in Retail, with expertise starting in store operations, category management to private label development and brand management.
She is specialized in strategy development and execution; shopper and customer insights as well as sustainability and corporate responsibility topics within current retail setup are among her particular interests.
Jana delivers a series of training workshops with an integrated perspective that combines manufacturing, retailing and use of Big Data. She leads Nielsen Category Management Consulting for the EE region.