NIQ Published Papers
LEA: Improving sentence similarity robustness to typos using lexical attention bias
Mario Almagro, David Jiménez, Diego Ortego, Emilio J. Almazán
Fine-tuning your answers: A bag of tricks for improving VQA models
Roberto Arroyo, Sergio Álvarez Pardo, Aitor Aller, Luis M. Bergasa, Miguel E. Ortiz
Block-SCL: blocking matters for supervised contrastive learning in product matching
Mario Almagro, David Jiménez, Diego Ortego, Emilio J. Almazán, Eva Martínez
Key Information Extraction in Purchase Documents using Deep Learning and Rule-based Corrections
Roberto Arroyo, Javier Yebes, Elena Martínez, Héctor Corrales, Javier Lorenzo
Graph Attention Networks for Efficient Text Line Detection on Receipt-Layout Documents
David Montero Martín, Mukul Kumar, Javier Yebes
Multilevel Hypernode Graphs for Effective and Efficient Entity Linking
David Montero, Javier Martínez, Javier Yebes
Combining Graph and Recurrent Networks for Efficient and Effective Segment Tagging
David Montero, Javier Yebes
Towards Fine-Tuning of VQA Models in Public Datasets
Miguel E. Ortiz, Luis M. Bergasa, Roberto Arroyo, Sergio Alvarez Pardo, Aitor Aller
Survival loss: A neuron death regularizer
Emilio Almazan, Javier Tovar and Alejandro de la Calle
Multi-label classification of promotions in digital leaflets using textual and visual information
Roberto Arroyo, David Jiménez, Javier Martínez
Integration of Text-maps in Convolutional Neural Networks for Region Detection among Different Textual Categories
Roberto Arroyo, Javier Tovar, Francisco J. Delgado, Emilio J. Almazán, Diego G. Serrador, Antonio Hurtado
Geometric interpretation of a CNN’s last layer
Alejandro de la Calle, Javier Tovar, Emilio J. Almazán, Aitor Aller
Deep Learning of Visual and Textual Data for Region Detection Applied to Item Coding
Roberto Arroyo, Javier Tovar, Francisco J. Delgado, Emilio J. Almazán, Diego G. Serrador, Antonio Hurtado