
Winning online searches or missing millions?


Winning online searches or missing millions?

Consumer demand for product knowledge is at an all-time high, and consumers have a long and varied list of things they care about when buying groceries.

Ranging from ingredients and functional benefits to environmental stewardship, animal welfare, and human rights, people care deeply about what they buy and what goes in their bodies. Yet hundreds of millions of consumer searches are going unfulfilled online—despite products existing that meet the need states of those searches.

Activating attributes or missing millions?

Product attributes are driving search behavior and changing which manufacturers and retailers win the purchase as a result. Check out the infographic to see what consumers are searching for, and what searches are going unfulfilled.

To learn more about how manufacturers and retailers can begin claiming revenue they’ve been leaving on the table—and see a ranking of the top 100 missed revenue opportunities by brand—download the full Activating Attributes report