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Success Story

Carrefour saw elevated cart value after implementing Rich Media Content

Success Story

Carrefour saw elevated cart value after implementing Rich Media Content

Recent data from Carrefour.be shows that pages with Rich Media present receive increased shopper engagement and
add to cart rates.

These products had an increase of up to 39 seconds of shopper engagement on the product
description pages than when these same pages had no rich media present.

But shoppers weren’t simply viewing; for some of these products Carrefour observed add to cart by users
increasing by 25% in some instances.

This in turn translated to a possible additional 5 add to cart per product after implementing rich media.
You’ve seen what it can do for these product pages- are you ready to start your Rich Media journey with NIQ Brandbank’s Connect+ solution?

Contact us today at enquiries@brandbank.com to get started.

Since Rich Media Implementation on Carrefour.be


Cart add increase

+39 seconds

Shopper engagement


Cart add value increase

Comparisons were made between the progress over the 6 weeks from 1st December and the prior 6-week period.

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