NIQ Operating Entities
NIQ Data Controllers and Processors
This page identifies the NIQ operating companies (including subsidiaries, affiliates and joint ventures) that work together to provide NIQ’s services around the world. In the language of privacy laws, all of these companies may be “data controllers” or “data processors” depending on the specific activities they perform. For instance, where a NIQ company enters into a panelist agreement with an individual, it acts as a data controller. But where data collected by one NIQ company is stored in a data center owned by a different NIQ company, that second company acts as a data processor. Regardless of which role a company is playing at any time, all NIQ companies must follow our global privacy and information security policies, to ensure that we are consistent in how we protect data, and to comply with privacy requirements around the world.
With NIQ and GfK combination, GfK Group companies became part of NIQ Operating Entities. To learn legal entities of the GfK Group that may be your “data controllers” or “data processors,” please refer here.
To contact any of the entities listed below (or submit privacy questions or concerns), you can write to:
From EU countries:
ATTN: Legal Dept.
Nielsen House
Oxford Business Park South
John Smith Drive
Oxford OX4 2WB
From other countries:
ATTN: Legal Dept.
200 W Jackson Blvd Ste 2700
Chicago, IL
Privacy questions can also be submitted by email to:
Subsidiaries/Joint Ventures
ACNielsen AMER Algeria EURL | Algeria |
NielsenIQ South America S.R.L. | Argentina |
GfK CE Argentina S.A. | Argentina |
GfK Retail and Technology Argentina S.A. | Argentina |
IFR South America, S.A. | Argentina |
A. C. Nielsen S.A. de Capital Variable Sucursal Argentina Branch | Argentina |
Nielsen Connect Australia Pty Ltd | Australia |
GfK Australia Fieldwork Pty. Ltd. | Australia |
GfK ANZ PTY LTD | Australia |
A.C. Nielsen Gesellschaft m.b.H. | Austria |
GfK Austria GmbH | Austria |
The Nielsen Company (Bangladesh) Ltd. | Bangladesh |
GfK Bangladesh Pvt. Ltd. | Bangladesh |
MRC-Mode Pvt. Limited | Bangladesh |
ACNielsen Bel | Belarus |
NielsenIQ (Belgium) SRL | Belgium |
GfK Belgium N.V. | Belgium |
Empresa de Servicios AC Nielsen S.A. | Bolivia |
A.C. Nielsen do Brasil Ltda. | Brazil |
GfK Custom Research Brasil Pesquisa de Mercado Ltda. | Brazil |
ACNielsen Bulgaria Ltd | Bulgaria |
GfK Bulgaria Market Research Institute EOOD | Bulgaria |
ACNielsen Company of Canada | Canada |
NielsenIQ Sub Holding Company | Canada |
GfK Research Dynamics, Inc. | Canada |
Starch Research Services Ltd | Canada |
Nielsen Precima, Inc. Canadian Branch | Canada |
ACNielsen Cayman Islands Colombia Ltd. | Cayman Islands |
A.C. Nielsen Chile Limitada | Chile |
GfK Retail and Technology Chile Limitada | Chile |
GfK Adimark Chile S.A. | Chile |
NielsenIQ (Guangzhou) LTD | China |
GfK Retail and Technology China Co. Ltd. | China |
GfK Market Consulting (Beijing) Co. Ltd. | China |
China Market Monitor Co., Ltd. | China |
The Nielsen Company (Guanghzou) Limited Shanghai Branch | China |
The Nielsen Company (Guanghzou) Limited Beijing Branch | China |
The Nielsen Company (Guanghzou) Limited Chengdu Branch | China |
A.C. Nielsen de Colombia Ltda. | Colombia |
GfK Retail and Technology Colombia Limitada | Colombia |
ACNielsen Costa Rica S.A. | Costa Rica |
ACNielsen d.o.o. | Croatia |
ACNielsen Cyprus Limited | Cyprus |
AMER Research Limited | Cyprus |
MEMRB Retail Tracking Services Limited | Cyprus |
GfK Retail and Technology (Cyprus) LTD | Cyprus |
ACNielsen Czech Republic s.r.o. | Czech Republic |
GfK Czech, s r.o. | Czech Republic |
NielsenIQ (Denmark) ApS | Denmark |
GfK Danmark A/S | Denmark |
ACNielsen Dominicana, SRL | Dominican Republic |
ACNielsen Ecuador S.A. | Ecuador |
GfK Ecuador Investigacion de Mercado Cia. Ltda. | Ecuador |
Nielsen Egypt LLC | Egypt |
G F K Egypt LTD | Egypt |
GFK Retail &Technology Egypt, L.L.C. | Egypt |
AC Nielsen El Salvador, S.A. de C.V. | El Salvador |
ACNielsen Eesti OÜ | Estonia |
A.C. Nielsen Finland Oy | Finland |
A3 Distrib S.A.S. | France |
AC Nielsen S.A.S. | France |
NielsenIQ Holding France SAS | France |
NielsenIQ Services France SAS | France |
GfK Retail and Technology France SAS | France |
MARKETINGSCAN (France) SAS | France |
Institut Français de Recherche-I.F.R. S.A.S | France |
NielsenIQ Services Germany GmbH | Germany |
NielsenIQ (Germany) GmbH | Germany |
GfK GeoMarketing GmbH | Germany |
GfK GmbH | Germany |
GfK Entertainment GmbH | Germany |
GfK Middle East CR Holding GmbH | Germany |
Nielsen Consumer Greece Single Member S.A. | Greece |
GFK HELLAS E.P.E. | Greece |
ACNielsen Centroamerica, S.A. | Guatemala |
ACNielsen Honduras S.A. de C.V. | Honduras |
ACNielsen Group Limited | Hong Kong |
NielsenIQ (Hong Kong) Limited | Hong Kong |
GfK Retail and Technology Hong Kong Limited | Hong Kong |
ACNielsen Piackutató Kft. | Hungary |
GfK Hungária Piackutató Kft. | Hungary |
NielsenIQ (India) Private Limited | India |
GfK Nielsen India Private Limited | India |
GfK Mode Pvt Ltd | India |
PT. Nielseniq Services Indonesia | Indonesia |
PT. GfK Retail and Technology Indonesia | Indonesia |
A.C. Nielsen of Ireland Limited | Ireland |
CiValue Systems Ltd. | Israel |
Nielsen Innovate Fund, LP | Israel |
Nielsen Innovate Ltd. | Israel |
Viewerslogic Ltd | Israel |
GfK Retail & Technology Israel Ltd. | Israel |
NielsenIQ Services Italy S.r.l. | Italy |
NielsenIQ Italy S.r.l. | Italy |
GfK Italia S.r.l. | Italy |
NielsenIQ Japan | Japan |
GfK Marketing Services Japan Ltd | Japan |
GfK Insight Japan KK | Japan |
Nielsen Services Japan GK | Japan |
Nielsen for Consultancies Limited Liability Company | Jordan |
ACNielsen Kazakhstan LLP | Kazakhstan |
ACNielsen Kenya Limited | Kenya |
NielsenIQ Services Korea Ltd. | Korea |
NielsenIQ Korea Ltd | Korea |
GfK Retail and Technology Korea Ltd. | Korea South |
E-Consult for Economic & Marketing Consultant (Kuwait Branch) | Kuwait |
ACNielsen Latvia SIA | Latvia |
AMER Research Limited Lebanon branch | Lebanon |
UAB ACNielsen Baltics | Lithuania |
NielsenIQ (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. | Malaysia |
GfK Retail and Technology Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. | Malaysia |
GfK Malta Holding Limited | Malta |
NielsenIQ México Services, S. de R.L. de C.V. | Mexico |
GfK Mexico S.A.P.I. de C.V. | Mexico |
ACNielsen SARL | Morocco |
GfK Retail and Technology North Africa SARL | Morocco |
Nielsen MMRD (Myanmar) Company. , Ltd. | Myanmar |
GfK Myanmar Company Limited | Myanmar |
The Nielsen Company Nepal Pvt Ltd. | Nepal |
ACNielsen (Nederland) B.V. | Netherlands |
Art Holding (Brazil) C.V. | Netherlands |
Indy Dutch Bidco B.V. | Netherlands |
Nielsen Precima B.V. | Netherlands |
NielsenIQ Sub Holdings I B.V. | Netherlands |
TNC Europe B.V. | Netherlands |
Nielsen Innovate B.V. | Netherlands |
GfK Retail and Technology Asia Holding B.V. | Netherlands |
GfK Netherlands B.V. | Netherlands |
A.C. Nielsen (N.Z.) ULC | New Zealand |
ACNielsen Nicaragua, S.A. | Nicaragua |
ACNielsen Nigeria Limited | Nigeria |
ACNielsen Norge AS | Norway |
Nielsen for Market Research LLC | Oman |
ACNielsen Pakistan (Private) Limited | Pakistan |
GfK Etilize (Private) Limited | Pakistan |
ACNielsen Panama, S.A. | Panama |
GfK Retail and Technology Panama, S.A. | Panama |
The Nielsen Company Paraguay S.R.L. | Paraguay |
Nielsen S.R.L. | Peru |
GfK Retail and Technology Peru S.A.C. | Peru |
NielsenIQ (Philippines), Inc. | Philippines |
GfK Philippines Corporation | Philippines |
ACNielsen Polska Sp. z o.o. | Poland |
Nielsen Services Poland Sp. z o.o. | Poland |
GfK Polonia Sp. z o.o. | Poland |
A.C. Nielsen Portugal- Estudos de Mercado- Unipessoal, Lda. | Portugal |
GfK PORTUGAL – Marketing Services SA | Portugal |
A.C. Nielsen P.R. LLC | Puerto Rico |
Nielsen Consultancy LLC | Qatar |
ACNielsen Romania srl | Romania |
GfK Romania-Institut de Cercetare de Piata S.R.L. | Romania |
ACNIELSEN Limited Liability Company | Russia |
Limited Liability Company International Institute of Marketing and Social Research “GfK-Rus” | Russia |
Nielsen Data Factory LLC | Russia |
Nielsen Holding Saudi Limited or Nielsen Holding Saudi Company Limited | Saudi Arabia |
Dorat Al Sharq Office for Management Consultancy (Branch) | Saudi Arabia |
ACNielsen d.o.o. | Serbia |
ACNielsen (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. | Singapore |
Nielsen Innovate Singapore Pte. Ltd | Singapore |
Nielsen MMRD Holdings Pte. Ltd. | Singapore |
NielsenIQ (Singapore) Pte. Ltd | Singapore |
NielsenIQ (Singapore) Holdings Pte. Ltd. | Singapore |
Snapbizz Cloudtech Pte Limited | Singapore |
GfK Asia Pte Ltd | Singapore |
ACNielsen Slovakia s.r.o. | Slovakia |
ACNielsen raziskovalna druzba, d.o.o. | Slovenia |
GFK SLOVENIJA, tržne raziskave d.o.o. | Slovenia |
AGB Nielsen, medijske raziskave, d.o.o. | Slovenia |
NielsenIQ South Africa (Pty) Ltd | South Africa |
GfK South Africa (Pty) Ltd | South Africa |
A.C. Nielsen Company, S.L. | Spain |
GfK EMER Ad Hoc Research, S.L. | Spain |
GfK Retail and Technology Espana, S.A. | Spain |
NielsenIQ Lanka (Private) Limited | Sri Lanka |
ACNielsen AB | Sweden |
NielsenIQ Services Sweden AB | Sweden |
GfK Sverige Aktiebolag | Sweden |
The Nielsen Company (Europe) Sàrl | Switzerland |
NielsenIQ (Switzerland) GmbH | Switzerland |
GfK Switzerland AG | Switzerland |
GfK Entertainment AG | Switzerland |
Media Focus Schweiz GmbH | Switzerland |
NielsenIQ Taiwan Ltd. | Taiwan |
GfK Retail and Technology Taiwan Ltd | Taiwan |
ACNielsen (Tanzania) Ltd. | Tanzania |
NielsenIQ (Thailand) Limited | Thailand |
GfK Retail and Technology (Thailand) Ltd. | Thailand |
Nielsen Tunisie SARL | Tunisia |
Nielsen Arastirma Hizmetleri Limited Sirket | Turkey |
GfK Arastirma Hizmetleri A.S. | Turkey |
GfK Turkey Danismanlik ve Pazar Arastirma Hizmetleri A.S. | Turkey |
ACNielsen Uganda Limited | Uganda |
ACNielsen Ukraine Limited Liability Company | Ukraine |
GfK Ukraine | Ukraine |
GfK Middle East and Africa FZ-LLC | United Arab Emirates |
Nielsen Market Research Services FZ-LLC | United Arab Emirates |
GfK Middle East FZ-LLC | United Arab Emirates |
AC Nielsen Amer (Sharjah Branch) | UAE Branch |
A.C. Nielsen Amer Limited (Dubai Branch) | UAE Branch |
Amer Research Limited (Abu Dhabi Branch) | UAE Branch |
A.C. Nielsen Company Limited | United Kingdom |
Brandbank Limited | United Kingdom |
CGA Strategy Limited | United Kingdom |
CGA Nielsen (Global) Limited | United Kingdom |
Nielsen Book Services Limited | United Kingdom |
Viewerslogic Group Plc | United Kingdom |
Toluna Holdings Limited | United Kingdom |
GfK Retail and Technology UK Holding Limited | United Kingdom |
GfK Retail and Technology UK Ltd. | United Kingdom |
GfK U.K. Holding Limited | United Kingdom |
GfK U.K. Limited | United Kingdom |
Frogtek Bop, LLC | United States |
GfK US MRI, LLC | United States |
GfK Boutique Research Inc. | United States |
GfK US Holdings, Inc. | United States |
GfK US, LLC | United States |
GfK Custom Research, LLC | United States |
GfK Etilize, Inc. | United States |
GfK North America Holding, LLC | United States |
Simmons Research, LLC | United States |
Fetch Rewards, Inc., d/b/a Fetch Rewards | United States |
Headset, Inc | United States |
DataMia LLC | United States/DE |
AC Nielsen Mexico LLC | United States/DE |
Indy US Holdco, LLC | United States |
National Consumer Panel, LLC | United States/DE |
Nielsen Consumer, Inc. | United States/DE |
Nielsen Consumer LLC | United States/DE |
NielsenIQ Holdings, L.L.C. | United States/DE |
Nielsen Precima, LLC | United States/DE |
Nielsen Uruguay (US), LLC | United States/DE |
Panel International SA LLC | United States/DE |
Consumer Canvas, LLC | United States/DE |
Unrollme LLC | United States/DE |
Nielsen Uruguay (US) LLC Sucursal Uruguay Branch | Uruguay |
AC Nielsen de Venezuela S.A. | Venezuela |
GfK Retail and Technology Market Research Vietnam Limited | Vietnam |
NielsenIQ (Vietnam), Ltd. | Vietnam |