GfK study finds that women are more likely to be avid readers than men
A new 17-country report from GfK shows that 30% of the international online population read books “every day or most days.” This is led by China at 36%, closely followed by Spain and the UK at 32% each. Canada ranks at number 6 on this list.
However, if the segment is widened to include both daily book readers and those who read “at least once a week,” the international average rises to 59%, with China firmly in the lead (70%) and Canada dropping to number 10 on the list (50%).
Canadian women are more likely to be avid book readers than men
Globally, 32% of women report reading books every or most days, compared to 27% of men. This gender gap among daily book readers is also found in Canada (36% of women versus 23% of men), the Netherlands (30% versus 14%), Spain (40% versus 25%), and Germany (31% versus 19%).
Non-book readers most common in Netherlands and South Korea
The Netherlands and South Korea have the highest percentage of their online populations who report never reading books, standing at 16% each. In South Korea, the non-reader group is fairly evenly divided between men and women, but in the Netherlands it is heavily led by men, with 23% never reading books, compared to just 9% of women. The study also shows that 11% of Canadians also reported never reading books, coming in third along (with the French and Japanese) on the list of non-book readers of the world.

Download GfK’s complimentary report showing full findings for each of the 17 countries, including breakdown by gender, age groups and income.
About the study
GfK conducted the online survey with over 22,000 consumers aged 15 or older across 17 countries. Fieldwork was completed in summer 2016. Data are weighted to reflect the demographic composition of the online population aged 15+ in each market. Countries covered are Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Russia, South Korea, Spain, UK and USA.
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