E-Commerce Category Management
Manage your categories online with the eCatMan 5D process.
This critical program focuses on understanding how to adapt category management to omnichannel business. By the end of the program, you will be able to develop, execute and monitor streamlined processes that are shopper-centric, and bears return on investment of your e-commerce channel.
In this workshop, you will learn how to:
- Compare offline and online Category Management processes to define its main differences
- Understand how to apply category management concepts to online channels
- Dominate each step of the online category management approach to deliver value to your customers
Day 1
Registration and welcome instruction
Market Trends Overview
E-Commerce CatMan Introduction
- E-Commerce trending facts
- E-Commerce challenges
Category Management review
- 8 step process recap
- Benefits of Category Management
How to apply eCatMan to E-Commerce:
5D process
Step 1: Define
- Category potential
- Capabilities
- Select partners
- Align objectives
- Category definition
- Category role
Day 2
Step 2: Discover
- Shopper targeting
- Journey map
- Business performance
- Opportunities
Step 3: Design
- Category strategies
- Category tactics: assortment, merchandising, price and promo
Step 4: Develop
- Tactics alignment
- Activation plan
- Scorecard
Step 5: Deliver
- Activation
- Scorecard measurement
- Review plan
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
E-Commerce category managers, digital operation managers, digital marketing managers, customer experience managers, business analysts, omnichannel executives & teams
Manufacturers / Suppliers / Distributors:
E-Commerce category managers, online key account data managers, digital operation managers, digital marketing managers, customer experience managers, business analysts, omnichannel executives & teams.