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Map of the Month: GfK Demographics, Senior households, Germany 2023


Map of the Month: GfK Demographics, Senior households, Germany 2023

GfK’s Map of the Month for March shows the regional distribution of senior households in Germany in 2023.

According to the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), the birth rate in Germany is the lowest it has been since 2009; society is becoming increasingly older. But where in Germany do you find the highest share of senior households?

The latest GfK data on demographics shows that the share of households in which the main earner is aged 60 or over is highest in rural areas and in eastern Germany. The urban district of Suhl in Thuringia has the highest share of senior households: 49.0 percent of all household heads there are over 60. Second place in the district ranking is taken by the Erzgebirgskreis with 48.6 percent, followed by the Vogtlandkreis with 48.4 percent. At 28.3 percent, Regensburg has the lowest share of senior households.

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Further insights into GfK’s market data offering can be found here.