Success Story

Supreme Mobiles: Driving success in an intensely competitive market

Supreme Mobiles trusts GfK to inform its expansion strategy

Success Story

Supreme Mobiles: Driving success in an intensely competitive market

Supreme Mobiles trusts GfK to inform its expansion strategy

supreme mobiles logo

Sector: Technical Consumer Goods and Durables

Portfolio: Mobile phones, accessories, smart gadgets, tablets, laptops, TVs, major and small domestic appliances

Facts & Figures

HQ: Tirupur, India

Stores: 75 in 32 cities

Employees: 900

Products Used

GfK Market Intelligence: Sales Tracking

About Supreme Mobiles

Supreme Mobiles is a leading multi-brand retail chain offering mobile phones, accessories, smart gadgets, tablets, laptops, TVs, and major and small domestic appliances. Founded and chaired by Mr S A Radhakrishnan, the first showroom opened its doors in 2000. Earning the title of ‘The Most Trusted Mobile Retailer of Tamil Nadu’, Supreme Mobiles has 75+ stores in 32 cities served by 900 customer service executives. 

“The monthly and weekly data from GfK forms the basis of our market intelligence, enabling us to benchmark our performance, plan our product strategy, and make decisions on store-level assortment and promotions. We appreciate the granularity of the data, and the expertise of the team who are on hand to talk us through the latest reports and advise on our tactics. Through utilizing GfK reports, we remain agile in a dynamic market and can continue to offer our customers the exceptional value that our reputation is built upon.”

Mr. S A Radhakrishnan, Chairman, Supreme Mobiles

Tackling an increasingly competitive marketplace

The team at Supreme Mobiles collaborated with GfK when the competition in the retail sector intensified. Concerned that their business might shrink in the future, they wanted to add Consumer Electronics and Home Appliances in select stores and cities to increase their appeal and minimize their operating cost.

“Our relationship with GfK is one of the reasons for our continued success in a constantly changing market environment. We trust them to give us a true indicator of our performance against the market to help us devise strategies and tactics to maintain our footing.”

Mr. S A Radhakrishnan, Chairman, Supreme Mobiles

Data-led strategic and tactical decision-making

Initially, the retailer used GfK’s monthly data to evaluate market potential at a category, brand, and model level to inform and perfect its planogram, and plan stock levels of its top-selling models. In addition, the insight gave the team the intelligence it needed to take preventive measures at individual stores as consumer demand changed.

The category teams have integrated the data into their pricing and product strategy and use it to evaluate their performance against the market. They can identify opportunities to drive sales conversion by creating promotions that are relevant and appealing at both the company and city levels.

More recently, the team added weekly data delivery to understand Supreme Mobile’s performance at an increased frequency for improved tactical planning. This is especially useful for analyzing product launches, refining seasonal marketing campaigns, and planning activities around festivals.

A trusted relationship

Supreme Mobiles and GfK have worked together since 2019 with regular calls and quarterly meetings, the support has helped the retailer navigate much change including the pandemic. During this time, GfK’s regular supply of local and global data through webinars and presentations provided much-needed insight into current conditions and tools for the journey ahead.

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