Why Soylent Ditched Another Data Provider for Byzzer by NIQ

“NielsenIQ has more of a customizable package to our particular needs, and it was very cost effective. The tool was just more beneficial and fit our needs better.”
Chris Brann, Director of Retail at Soylent
The business challenge
Soylent’s previous data provider didn’t have the actionable insights or up-to-date data they needed to scale.
What do you do with subpar data?
How can you act quickly to grow and maintain shelf space?
Do buyers even want to listen if you don’t have the right data?

The data solution
Not all data and data providers are created equally – and Soylent is proof that reliable and accurate data points can make a huge difference to your small business strategy.
They had access to data from a subpar provider that wasn’t actionable and left them flying blind.
Tactics and strategies weren’t optimized since the data wasn’t helping drive the right initiatives.
With access to Byzzer, Soylent has been able to optimize their efforts to gain shelf space, defend against the competition, and identify areas where there’s room for growth.

Don’t know where to start? Don’t stress. There are plenty of pre-built reports in Byzzer you can use to start acting on data fast.
With so many factors affecting demand for products and your path to growth, inaccurate data is a weight holding you back. With just a few reports, you can be in control of your future.
Here’s how Soylent did it:
The Soylent team used Sales Decomp Tree to get better insight into how their brand is performing and where to focus their investments.
They used the Data on Demand tool to analyze sales velocity, post-promotions, and competitor growth togain shelf space, defend against the competition, and identify areas where there’s room for growth.
This data has become a key piece of their brand planning and conversations with new retailers – and it’s paying off.

Data makes it easy to prove that consumers love Soylent products.
Now, Byzzer’s data is a crucial part of the conversation with potential new retail partners and planning for growth. Soylent is able to open presentations with hard numbers from credible data sources: NielsenIQ, the industry gold standard in retail measurement. They can see exactly how their products perform against the competition, what’s driving growth, and where to invest for success.

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