Eco Claim Reporting - NIQ

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Drive Your Sustainability Strategy with GfK Eco Claim Reporting

Unlock growth with actionable insights into Eco trends

Products / Drive Your Sustainability Strategy with GfK Eco Claim Reporting


Statistics Speak: The Rising Demand for Sustainability

People around the globe are becoming increasingly Eco-conscious. This in turn makes them more Eco-active, aligning themselves with brands that share their values and selecting products that minimize environmental impact. Our GfK Green Gauge® Consumer Study reveals the depth of this shift:  

A striking 71% of consumers view climate change as an extremely serious issue, 83% believe companies should actively shape ESG best practices, and 75% of Gen Z prioritize sustainability over brand names when making purchases. 

Projections show that 50% of the world’s population will be Eco-active by 2030. 34% of global customers already confirm they are willing to pay more for sustainability, a figure that rises to 39% among the influential Gen Z demographic. Our research shows that these consumers are prepared to pay an average price premium of 25% for sustainable products.  

It’s also estimated that the annual spend by Eco-actives on Consumer Technology & Durables will exceed $700 billion dollars by 2030. 

GfK’s Eco Claim Reporting provides the critical insights you need to broaden your portfolio of sustainable offerings to tap into this lucrative expanding market and strong consumer demand. 

Explore the Benefits of Eco Claim Reporting

Want to discover high-leverage sustainability trends to future-proof your business? 

Complement your existing GfK subscription with Eco Claim Reporting and unlock a world of opportunities: 

  • Drive future trends 
    Track the rise of sustainable products across markets and segments to unlock new opportunities. 
    Understand the size and direction of the potential market for Eco Claim. 
  • Communicate with precision 
    Invest in the Eco Claim that has the most impact, grow your brand, and maximize returns. 
    Improve your understanding of the Eco communications your industry values most. 
  • Maximize your pricing potential 
    Discover how much more you can charge for Eco-value.  
    Determine the price premium that consumers are willing to pay for Eco-products and position your prices strategically to win the market. 
  • Be the trusted brand 
    Benchmark your performance against the market and competition to activate the right Eco Claim tactics. 
    Identify whether your brand is perceived as Eco-friendly. 

Know Your Eco-Active Consumer to Grow Your Sustainable Brand

Your approach to sustainability directly impacts your bottom line. 

Utilize GfK Eco Claim Reporting, alongside the other powerful products within gfknewron, for greater insights into your consumers’ sustainability actions and expectations, as well as how these influence their purchase decisions.  

GfK Eco Claim Reporting in conjunction gfknewron Market, gfknewron Predict, and gfknewron Consumer empower you to: 

  • Know Your Eco-Active Consumer
    • Uncover consumer mindsets 
      Delve into how consumers perceive environmental issues and their priorities compared to other personal needs. Understand their sentiments towards green products, including aspects related to cost and efficacy. 
    • Grasp influencing factors 
      Identify what actions people are currently taking to help the environment – from recycling and energy conservation to volunteering. Understand how these activities shape their brand research, selection, and loyalty.
  • Grow Your Sustainable Brand 
    • Define your ideal target group 
      We help you to identify your perfect sustainability target audience. Understand their mindset and discover how to connect with them effectively across 25 markets globally. 
    • Spot growth opportunities 
      Pinpoint your next strategic steps to meet current customer expectations and demands. Develop innovative strategies, from natural products and retail innovation to alternative energy solutions, and more.