Impactful Space Management

This workshop pivots around the means to design a store and category layouts. The program also covers topics related to shopper time optimization, where to expose more profitable categories, ease to navigate in a shelf, space allocation, in-store shopper behavior, traffic flow and the planogram creation process.

In this workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Review the Category Management fundamentals to be introduced to the Impactful Space & Efficient Assortment Management process.
  • Understand the dynamics that influence the store design and the placement and know how to develop a space planning process for your categories.
  • State the Efficient Assortment Management framework that will help you optimize the product range for your categories.
  • Relate the assortment decisions to Category Management and apply main KPIs and techniques for selecting the right assortment.

Day 1


Registration and welcome instruction

Shopper-Centric CatMan Review
Space Management Introduction

Definiton and relevance

Macro layout framework

Shopper assistance, influence, and operation management

Micro layout or merchandising framework

Shopper assistance, influence and operation managment

Day 2

Guest sharing session: Shopper Path to Purchase

Day 1 Review

Assortment Management Introduction

What is assortment management?
Benefits and challenges

Assortment management framework

4 step framework and strategies

  • Step 1: Collaborative relationships
  • Step 2: Category Management Integration
  • Step 3: Data Sources Integration
  • Step 4: Assortment Management Process
Who should attend?
Who should attend?

Level: Beginner to Intermediate


Category managers, merchandising managers, space and range planners, business information analysts, store managers and their teams

Manufacturers / Suppliers / Distributors:
Category managers, key account data managers, shopper marketing managers, trade marketing managers, brand managers and their teams