Price and Promotion Management
During the workshop you will
- Identify the key principles of successful price and promotion management
- Understand PnP as part of the Shopper Centric Category Management process
- Analyze the factors that affect promotional effectiveness and efficiency
- Manage price sensitivity and elasticity
- How not to leave money on the table
- Understand and leverage shoppers’ subconscious behavior when facing promotions
The workshop was helpful to understand some aspects I haven’t thought about. It gave a few ideas that I will try to implement in my everyday work. The trainer was very good, fluent in English, very polite and understandable.
Average rating 4,7/5
100% recommendation rate for this program around the world
Hundreds of FMCG professionals trained
Category Managers, buyers, KAMs, Trade Marketing, Brand Managers, Consumer/ Shopper insight managers
Intermediate (recommended for those with prior experience in CatMan)
March 12-13, 2024– Online, Multimarket, English
Day 1
- Introduction
- Category Management Fundamentals
The most relevant aspects reminder when setting prices and planning promotions - Price setting process
- Setting price objectives
- Price situation analysis
Shopper sensitivity
Price elasticity - Pricing strategies
Price strategies based on elasticities
Pricing methodologies
Newest pricing strategies - Retailer’s price image
- Price determination
Day 2
- Day 1 Review
- Promotion management and process
Integrated marketing
Shopper attitude to promotions
Market realities - Promotion Objectives and Strategies
Understanding shopper behavior
Product life cycle
Business objectives - Products on Promotion
Base and incremental sales
Efficiency & Effectiveness
Performance - Promotional Mechanics
- Promotional Plan Implementation
Tactics alignment
Scorecard - Promotion Evaluation
Fees & Discounts
Early bird discount if registration is formalized at least one month before the workshop takes place. Group discounts apply for 2 and more participants from the same company or a participant attending more than one workshop. Comprehensive course materials, case studies and individual certificates are included.
For more information
Aiste Kuke | aiste.kuke@nielseniq.com | (+370) 681 63034 /LT, ENG, RU/