Greece Shopper Trends Event 2023
March 30th 2023
09:30 am – 16:00 pm
Anassa City Events
Brace for making impact: Activating insights to address market uncertainties
Turn off the screens, Shopper Trends Event is back in physical mode with a full day agenda, impactful and interactive content.
When: March 30th 2023, 9:30 am – 16:00 pm
Where: Anassa City Events anassacityevents.gr
1 Greek Retail
2022 Retail Battlefield
Market Overview & Retail Landscape:
Alexandros Floros, Retail Vertical Leader Mediterranean cluster
Market Overview, e-commerce
Panayotic Gezerlis, Founder & President at Convert Group
2 Shopper Trends
Shopper Insights
Konstantinos Angeloloukas, Senior Sales & Engagement Executive
Retailers Performace
Maria Mermigki, Account Manager Consumer Insights
Shopper Segmentation
Vivi Papadopoulou, Customer Success Leader Greece
3 What lies ahead 2023
Consumer Outlook
Dorina Fydani, Consumer Insights Leader
CEO Outlook
Vaios Dimoragas, President and Managing Director Greece & Bulgaria
4 Navigating Inflation
Price Changes: Prompting a behavioral shift?
Anastasis Panousopoulos, Advanced Analytics
Client Business Partner
Shoppers response to Household basket
Nikoletta Sperelaki, Regional Client Business Partner
Panel Discussion
Key stakeholders of the industry will share their views on the changing environment

Reports availability & registration details
Through your participation in the event, your company will have access to the detailed findings/reports for the following studies recently conducted in the Greek market:
- 2022 Retail Battlefield Market Overview & Retail Landscape
- E-commerce Market Overview
- Shopper Trends 2023, n=1.000 amongst Grocer Shoppers (Nov 2022) including Global and European benchmarks as well as historical data
- Consumer Outlook Study 2023, n=600 amongst Greeks representative population (March 2023)
- CEO Outlook Study 2023
- Household Basket: The impact on shopper decision making process, n=600 amongst Greeks representative population (March 2023)
- Thought Leadership deck on Pricing
Investment scheme:
Registration fee per Company:
- Up to 3 participants: € 2.400
- For every additional participant: € 150
The above fees do not include VAT
For more information about our Shopper Trends 2023 Event Greece, contact Marria.mermigki@nielseniq.com