
Winter Sales in France: eCommerce Overview of the First Days


Winter Sales in France: eCommerce Overview of the First Days

After the Christmas sales report, here is the eCommerce overview of the sales launch! The green light was given on Wednesday, January 10, 2024.

  • Despite inflation, do the French have a budget to spend during the winter sales?
  • What is the average spending per category?
  • Do men spend as much as women?
  • What are the best-selling brands in this first week of sales?

Focus on this first week of sales, which gives us an indication of the overall sales performance during this period.

Average Basket Amount for the Launch of Sales

This year, for the first week of sales, the average online basket is €71.20 – compared to €70.10 last year. An increase of 1.6%, compared to 2% in 2023.

The start of the sales is therefore more modest this year.

If we break it down by gender, men spent more online than women for the launch of sales this year:

🚹 The average male spending is €76.50
🚺 The average female spending is below, with €66.60 spent

In terms of generation:

👴🏻 Generation B [-1959] spent €56.60 online
👨🏻 Generation X [1960-1979] spent €70 online
👱🏻‍♂️ Generation Y [1980-1994] spent €73.60 online
🧑🏼‍🦱 Generation Z [1995-] spent €69.50 online

🦊 Discover your average spending per generation

Average Spending per Category

Still in the first week of sales, the average spending per category varies across categories.

Unsurprisingly, the “Computers & Electronics” category generates the highest average spending – €118. The average spending is €74 for the “Home & Kitchen” category, €64 for the “Grocery” category, and it drops below €60 for the “Clothing,” “Shoes & Accessories,” and “Sports & Outdoor” categories.

Top Fashion Brands by Value

Focus on the fashion category: Zara, Sézane, and Uniqlo are the top-selling brands in value in these first days of sales.

Among the top 10 best-selling brands, fast fashion stands out – with the presence of Zara, H&M, Asos, Shein, and Mango.

It is noteworthy that Kiabi has risen to the 5th position, and Petit Bateau is in the 10th place.

🦊 Discover the top-selling brands by value in your market

Key takeaways

  • The start of the winter sales is more cautious than last year.
  • The average basket for the first week amounts to €71.10.
  • Men spent more than women in the first days of sales.
  • Among the best-selling clothing brands, fast fashion has secured a prominent place.