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Stated vs. Qualified Product Attributes


Stated vs. Qualified Product Attributes

In today’s CPG health and wellness landscape, wellness is no longer a category but a set of attributes. This means customers are looking more at the stated vs. qualified attributes of every good they purchase.

But, what are these mysterious attributes, and how do they work? And do customers really care about the health claims made by their favorite brands?

Keep reading to learn more about stated vs. qualified attributes, how to track them, and how to use them to grow sales and gain market share.

What Are Stated Attributes?

Stated attributes are marketing claims found on a product’s packaging. These claims are how a brand positions a product and tries to entice consumers. Think of labels like “Vegan”, “Made in the USA”, or “Keto” claims. These tend to be prominently displayed on the package to help catch customers eyes. Stated attributes will often be highlighted graphically and be visible from a distance on the shelf.

What Are Qualified Attributes?

Qualified attributes are ingredient details found on the fact panel for a CPG product. Think of labels like “Artificial Sweeteners”, “Iron”, or “Carbohydrates”. These attributes are generally harder to find on a product’s packaging than stated attributes, but can be just as valuable for converting shoppers. They speak more specifically to the actual make-up of a product and are helpful in converting more discerning customers. They are also often more regulated than state attributes.

Stated vs. Qualified Attributes

Stated and qualified attributes both play a role in a CPG product’s success. In fact, many CPG product attributes are  present both on the front of a product and in the ingredient label. But, some types of attributes are only used in one place or the other, and for good reason.

Here are a few ways stated vs. qualified attributes differ:


In-Store Presence

Stated attributes offer more value when it comes to standing out on the retail shelves. These claims are often visually appealing and in larger, more visible font on a product. They’re a great way to build brand awareness and get customers to notice your products. Since product label tends to be on the side or back of a product, most customers only see qualified attributes when they pick up the product.


ECommerce Sales

One of the biggest areas of importance for qualified attributes is eCommerce. Studies have shown that online shoppers dive deeper into product ingredients than their in-store counterparts. They also care more about label transparency and will avoid products that aren’t forthcoming with their ingredients. By understanding growing trends and ingredient growth, you can make sure online product listings target the correct, valuable attributes.



Fads, diet trends, and overall consumer shifts in demand can be capitalized on through smart use of stated attributes. When consumers are particularly interested in an attribute, you can make a quick change to your product’s packaging to capitalize on this shift. Many new products can see quick growth when they state the correct attributes.



Qualified attributes are often more in-depth and informative than their stated counterparts. When a prospective customer is looking to learn more about your product, they will often go to the label on the back or side. If you know the most important attributes to highlight here, you can educate them about your product. This means they’ll better understand your brand and are much more likely to actually make a purchase.

How to use Stated and Qualified Attributes

Though stated and qualified attributes are different, they can be used together to build a strong brand. Unfortunately, many CPG companies fail to make the most out of them. Tracking the rise and fall of different attributes can let you better target your market and increase shelf space. The more capable you are of adjusting your brand to meet changing consumer demand, the more likely you are to impress retailers and grow your brand. You’ll need to know which wellness reports to pull and then use them to build out your growth plan.

If your brand participates in omnisales (that is in brick and mortar stores as well as eCommerce) tracking both types becomes doubly important. Stated attributes that are prominent in product photos help ensure shoppers click through to the product’s page. Highlighting the most important qualified attributes on the page can help convert the customer and increase direct web traffic.

Grow Your Brand with Attribute Data

Attribute tracking has never been easier thanks to NielsenIQ Product Insight and Label Insight. NielsenIQ tracks 1,000+ attributes across total store and 250+ NielsenIQ-only attributes.

Learn more about our Total Wellness offerings and sign up for a demo to see this attribute data in action. Our team is always here to help you get the data you need when you need it.

As the owner of a small CPG brand, the power to shift the wellness landscape rests in your hands. Fortunately, Byzzer can help by providing comprehensive reports that help you understand shoppers’ needs and behaviors better. Best of all, we’ll give you actionable insights so that you know what to do next to grow your brand and do your part.