NIQ + The CPG Guys

Podcast Series

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Our podcast series with the CPG Guys will dive into the kind of granular consumer insights, evolving trends, and innovative thought leadership perspectives that will help CPG Brands and Retailers drive business growth.

Join us for conversations, case studies and 3-minute fast chats from our Need to Know Thought Corner.

Catch the latest release and preview upcoming topics below or book a consult with an NIQ expert to get their insights, learn more about the state of the markets, and see how they can help you take your brand to the next level.


Episode 1

The State of CPG Innovation

In this episode, Jenny Frazier, SVP Omni Solutions and Justin Belgiano, SVP, North American Retail Measurement Products, discuss innovation in the CPG industry post-covid with CPG Guy, and industry Icon Sri Rajagopalan and retail shopper marketing legend Bryan Gildenberg.

Tune in for a discussion on innovation trends, data usage, and what’s next.

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Episode 2

The Retail Media Revolution

In this episode, Jamie Clarke, Head of North American Retail at NIQ, shares his expert insights into the current state of Retail Media and what the future may look like with Sri Rajagopalan and Bryan Gildenberg.

Listen to a discussion on the different areas of growth in retail media and how CPG brands are leveraging them.

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Episode 3

Talking Sustainability

In this episode, Jim Presley, SVP Total Wellness, discusses the state of wellness and sustainability, how COVID impacted them, and what the future looks like with CPG Guy, and industry Icon Sri Rajagopalan and retail shopper marketing legend Bryan Gildenberg.

Tune in for a discussion on sustainability, Gen Z, government regulation, and what to expect next.

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Episode 4

The Full View of Consumer Behavior

In this episode, Liz Buchanan, Global Customer Success Leader, and Troy Treangen, Chief Product Officer discuss how NIQ provides clients with the Full View of consumer insights with CPG Guy, and industry Icon Sri Rajagopalan and retail shopper marketing legend Bryan Gildenberg.

Hear a discussion on data sources, technology client collaboration, and the future of omnichannel.

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We know CPG brands are facing enormous challenges in a chaotic market.

As part of our effort to ensure we’re always giving you the most valuable insights and guidance. Check out our full Need to Know page to learn more about the markets and what you can do to overcome these challenges.

Need to Know Thought Corner
Need to Know Thought Corner

Fast Chat​ #1: Product Landscape

The Full View of Products

Fast Chat​ #2: Pricing & Promotion

Balancing Sales and Margins

Fast Chat #3 Pricing & Promotion

Bringing Back Promotions

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