Answering your SMB questions: The 1-minute hot seat! - NIQ

Answering your SMB questions: The 1-minute hot seat!


Answering your SMB questions: The 1-minute hot seat!

Whether you are an entrepreneur challenging established brands, a small businesses manager looking for your next growth opportunity, or a mid-size business balancing multiple products or categories, using the right data in strategic decisions can make or break your success.

Curious about data? Send us your burning questions, and our experts will answer.

Answering your questions

You know that data is important, but you probably don’t have time to search out the answers to questions like:

  • How can data help me if my resources are limited?
  • How can data help me negotiate better deals with my retail partners?
  • What can data tell me about my competition?
  • I know large manufacturers use NielsenIQ data, but how can NielsenIQ help smaller clients?

We’re here to help.

Submit your data-related questions using the form below, and our experts will answer. We know that time is your most precious resource, so they will keep their answers just one minute long.

Ask the experts

Submit your question for the one-minute hot seat!

Have a bigger business challenge to discuss? We know not every question has an easy answer. Tell us your unique situation or what you might need, and we’ll work with you to find a solution that makes your life easier.

How can data help me if my resources are limited?

What can NielsenIQ data tell me about my competition?

How does NielsenIQ collect data in China?

How can NielsenIQ SMB add value to my business?