Introduction | RMS Process | Sample Design | Quality | Coding | Pricing | Promotion | Sales & Share | Distribution | Non-Participating Retailers | Coverage | RMS Arcade
Pricing overview
How much do you know about Pricing? Test your knowledge with a game of tic-tac-toe, match 3 in a row to win.
How does NielsenIQ collect pricing data from retailers?
This video explains how Nielsen collects pricing information from participating retailers.
Manufacturers: How can analyzing pricing benefit my business?
This video shares tips and watch-outs to that manufacturers should consider when you analyze your pricing performance.
Retailers: How can analyzing pricing benefit my business?
This video shares tips and watch-outs that retailers should consider when you analyze your pricing performance.

Power your pricing strategies with complete and trusted data.
Optimize your pricing strategy and maximize profit potential with reliable retail data and insights.