Pricing & Promotion
Uncover our detailed insights on Pricing & Promotion, where we explore the latest strategies, trends, and best practices in optimizing pricing and promotional activities. Effective pricing and promotion strategies are essential for driving sales and enhancing profitability. Our expert articles, case studies, and thought leadership pieces provide valuable perspectives on how to effectively drive sales and enhance profitability. Learn about the latest tools and techniques for dynamic pricing, promotional planning, and discount management. Discover how data analytics can help you understand consumer price sensitivity and optimize your pricing strategies. Stay informed about the impact of economic conditions and competitive pressures on pricing and promotion.
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Displaying 130 results

The 2022 CPG Lookback for Emerging Brands

What we can learn from price elasticity and promotion in 2022

Securing FMCG sales in inflationary times

Recalibrating with Advanced Analytics: 5 resolutions for 2023

Thanksgiving meal cost hits record high due to inflation

What revenue management should look like today

The dilemma of the European shopper in inflationary times

Advanced Analytics: Four data-driven strategies manufacturers can use to boost business

3 essential steps to navigate inflation in Asia Pacific

Shopper Trends Pulse 2022