Consumer Journey - NIQ

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Consumer Journey

Understand all the trigger points at every stage of the consumer purchase journey.

Products / GfK Consumer Journey


Decode the purchase decision-making process

Maximize your opportunities to drive sales at every touchpoint and channel

The pressure is on to drive sales at every opportunity. However, with so many channels and touchpoints, it’s challenging to keep track of your customers’ purchasing behavior and decision-making. GfK’s Consumer Journey platform uses advanced analytics to help you understand and maximize all the trigger points in the purchase journey. We’ll provide the tools you need to ensure your brand becomes the preferred choice in your market by helping you:

  • Understand and profile your customers
  • Stimulate demand with tailored communications
  • Optimize visibility in the marketing channel mix
  • Provide the most superior product experience

Empower marketing, sales, product and category management

GfK’s Consumer Journey helps you identify customers’ activities at each stage of the decision-making process. By knowing your audience, what they are doing and when, you can make your marketing more effective. By customizing messaging and content to in-market shoppers, you’ll have the chance to convert and convince them to buy your product and generate higher ROI.

Actionable insights at all stages of the decision-making process

  • Trigger: What purchase motivations and needs drive sales?
  • Research: What channels and touchpoints are used? Which should I focus on?
  • Purchase: What information drives purchase decisions? What details do I need to provide?
  • Post-purchase: How do consumers experience my product? What follow-up actions are a priority?
Our latest insights